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NECTAR FOUNTAIN helping individuals to be successful in their professional field
Phone: +91-9868132270
Email: [email protected]
Address: 21 Ankur Apartments 7 IP Extension, Delhi-110092
Open in Google Maps1.1 On-line Training
For on line training, contributions are voluntary and can be made by individuals as per their level of satisfaction from the training module.
1.2 Face to face training
For face to face training conducted for a group of individuals, charges for a training module for one individual depends upon number of days a training module takes to complete. The number of days for each module are indicated on the website of Nectar Fountain Consultancy LLP. The charges consist of charges for consumable items, boarding charges if applicable and fee for delivery of the content. The offered packages are:
If any individual is not satisfied or partially satisfied, he can seek the part or full training charges refund depending upon his level of satisfaction within 2 days after the end of the programme. Training cost would be refunded except the actual expenditure incurred on stationary, training material and other tools used during the training.
Refund would be affected within 10 days of request.
2.1 On line Training:
If the enterprise is not satisfied or partially satisfied then it can seek part or full refund depending upon its level of satisfaction within 30 days of subscription.
Refund would be affected within 10 days of request.
2.2 On-site Training:
If the enterprise is not satisfied or partially satisfied, it can seek the part or full training charges refund depending upon its level of satisfaction within 2 days after the end of the programme. Training cost would be refunded except the actual expenditure incurred on stationary, training material and other tools used during the training.
Refund would be affected within 10 days of request.
2.3 Hands-on On-Site Consultancy:
There are no upfront charges for this consultancy except the actual expenditure incurred on items like travel, stationary, office space etc if these are not provided by the enterprise otherwise no up-front charges. We expect 10% share in enhanced profit or reduced loss for three years after the end of our consultancy or after one year of start of our consultancy which is ever is earlier. The enterprise would enter into a legal agreement before the start of the consultancy in this respect.
2.4 Hand-off On-site Consultancy:
There are two ways an enterprise can contribute for this type of service. These are;
3.1 On line Training:
If Government or department is not satisfied or partially satisfied then it can seek part or full refund depending upon its level of satisfaction within 30 days of subscription.
Refund would be affected within 10 days of request.
3.2 On-site Training:
If Government or department is not satisfied or partially satisfied, it can seek the part or full training charges refund depending upon your level of satisfaction within 30 days of subscription. Training cost would be refunded except the actual expenditure incurred on stationary, training material and other tools used during the training.
Refund would be affected within 10 days of request.
2.3 Hands-on On-Site Consultancy:
There are no upfront charges for this consultancy except the actual expenditure incurred on items like travel, stationary, office space etc if these are not provided by the enterprise otherwise no up-front charges. We expect 10% share in enhanced profit or reduced loss for three years after the end of our consultancy or after one year of start of our consultancy which is ever is earlier. The enterprise would enter into a legal agreement before the start of the consultancy in this respect.
3.3 Hands-on Consultancy Services:
There are no upfront charges for this consultancy except the actual expenditure incurred on items like travel, stationary, office space etc if these are not provided by the Government or the department. Contribution can be made by the department/ministry as per its norms.
3.4 Hand-off Advisory Services:
For this service, we provide the estimated quote and the Government or department can pay it on completion of the service to the extent of its satisfaction besides the actual expenditure incurred on items like travel, stationary, office space etc if these are not provided by the government or the department.