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Modules Learning Structure:

The section provides thirteen modules which one can complete online. These modules are such which will help an individual to learn the core management skills that are necessary for effectively discharging the duties by any manager. Simultaneously, these will help in personality development of an individual, thereby making him more effective in his social interaction and increasing his sphere of influence. An individual can complete these modules free of charge after registering himself on the website through a very simple process, by going to the log-in button. After learning the module, he can contribute voluntarily any amount online depending upon what he gained after completing the module. Whether one contributes or not will not affect his accessibility to other modules in future.   

The modules can be accessed by organizations and Government departments for training their managers with some additional features, with nominal charges. These additional features enable them to assess the effectiveness score of managers, executives and officers, thus becoming a handy non-intrusive management tool.  

The modules are activity based for the simple reason that knowledge or skills can be internalized only when you practice it yourself as the adage goes, ‘I hear, I forget’, ‘I see, I remember,’ and ‘I do, I understand.’

List of Modules

  • Essential Financial Skills for Executives
  • Using Your Time Effectively
  • Improving Interpersonal Skills
  • Communication Skills
  • Presentation Skills
  • Negotiating Skills
  • Delegating Skills
  • Effective Meetings
  • Motivating Skills
  • Leadership and Teambuilding
  • Total Quality Management
  • Customer Service Management
  • Managing Performance



Some of the exercises in the modules have been adopted from the existing literature on the subject and the source is mentioned with the activity wherever it has been possible to trace the source. In a few cases, sources might not be mentioned because exercise might have been taken from a source like a training programme where source was not mentioned. However, we acknowledge the contribution made by the designers of any exercise used in the module for the advancement of knowledge in this field.  

A part inactive sample of one module is given below for reference. For viewing and completing the full active module, kindly register yourself through the given below link or which is given at home page. In the active module, exercise buttons will become active and one can complete the activity online with facility of automatic scoring. 


Part Sample Inactive Module on Improving Interpersonal Skills


Getting Stared:

After completion of this module, you will be equipped with fairly good interpersonal skills and be able to deal with people quite successfully

For a person who is not exposed to the knowledge of interpersonal skills, the module will take about 5 hours. For getting the full benefit of the module, you should complete all the activities in a manner as suggested in the instructions. If you are conversant with some of the interpersonal skills covered in the module, you can complete the module at your own pace skipping or partially doing the activities, which you think are Ok for you.

Reading. Time 2 minute

On completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Know Johari Window Technique of Improving Interpersonal Skills.
  • Use Johari Window for Improving Interpersonal Relations.
  • Know the Various Personality Patterns as per the Theory of Transactional Analysis (TA).
  • Understand the Types of Transactions as per the Theory of TA.
  • Understand the Three Life Positions.
  • Know the Basics of of psychlogical Game.
  • Use TA Technique to Improve Interpersonal Relations.

There are said to be two types of people. One type is ‘money-minded’ and other ‘man-minded’. First type of people, ultimately, get neither money nor do they have good relations with other people. Second type of people get both in long run. Interpersonal relation is about being ‘man-minded’, and thus being on a winning streak.  Your skills in this area will improve your relationship not only with your work colleagues but also with other people outside the work area like your friend, spouse, relatives and a man on the street.

Activity X. Time Y minutes

Below are given twenty statements. Mark against each of these statements, whether you agree or disagree with it.

Statement Agree Disagree
1. I feel most of the people are selfish, and they can deceive you any moment when they feel that it can benefit them.
2. I prefer to keep my personal things to myself, as sharing with others could expose me to their blackmail.
3. My friends usually happily confide in me.
4. Although I try my best, yet often I land having difference of opinion with others.
5. As life is so busy, I often fail to meet the commitment made to others.
6. Although I believe that people are reliable but it is dangerous to share your personal things with your colleagues, as they can take advantage of your weaknesses.
7. Most people wish that others fulfil their commitment. However, they themselves are very poor in fulfilling the commitment they made to others.
8. People don’t recognise my strengths
9. I don’t know why so often I become the target of criticism.
10. I can readily recognise a person, if I happen to meet him once or twice.
11. Skills of interpersonal relations are really God given.
12. Since I have excellent rapport with my boss, my colleagues are jealous of me.
13. It is far safe to share your views with strangers than with known persons.
14. It’s just a nice talk to say that every person has a huge potential.
15. People enjoy unnecessary bullying others.
16. Sometimes I feel lonely when I am in the company of my friends
17. When I don’t have work, I enjoy chatting with my friends.
18. It is better to be busy in your work; people any way are unreasonable.
19. I have excellent rapport with my boss as well with my colleagues.
20. People are generally reliable and, therefore, I readily share my views and opinion with them

You will be awarded marks for agreed and disagreed statements, depending upon which is supposed to be correct and your level of understanding the topic will be assessed so that you can decide to what extent you should devote time in completing the module.  

Then you will be led to next section, section by section.

(This may not be the exact next section in the actual module. There could be some more sections in between. This is only for explaining as how online modules can be learnt.)

Improving Your Interpersonal Relations:

Below are given 20 situations. For each situation two responses are given and marked as A and B. For each of these situations score your most characteristics reaction by distributing 5 points between response A and B. That means the total score of response A and B should be 5 for each situation. The six possibilities of distribution of 5 points between response A and B are::

1 A   5
B   0
Total   5
2 A   4
B   1
Total   5
3 A   3
B   2
Total   5
4 A   2
B   3
Total   5
5 A   1
B   4
Total   5
6 A   0
B   5
Total   5

Distribution of points between response A and B indicates how much one alternative is more characteristics of you than the other. You can devote up to 45 minutes for marking the responses.

1 If a subordinate of mine seemed preoccupied most of the time and began to become irritated with me and other subordinates without reason, I would:
A Try to talk to him and point out how he was affecting other people.
B Not bother him for a while on the assumption that he was having some temporary personal problem which were none of my business
2 If, in a formal evaluation session with my subordinates, he suddenly suggests that we discuss my performance along with his, I would:
A Welcome it and learn how he evaluates my work.
B Forestall his suggestion by saying, ‘My boss is in a better position to judge my performance.
3 If I knew I was being considered for a top management position and my present subordinate’s attitude towards me had been rather negative during my supervision, I would:
A Try to assess my shortcomings as a manager by myself so that I could do a better job in the future.
B Discuss my shortcomings with my subordinates so that I could see where to improve.
4 If due to repeated arguments on an issue of importance to me and my subordinate our relationship was damaged, I would:
A Be cautious in my conversation with him lest the issue may come up again and further worsen our relationship.
B Point out to the effects on our relationship and suggest that we discuss it till it is resolved.
5 If a subordinate tells me that in his opinion, I am acting in a manner that makes employees see me as less effective, I would:


 16 more such situations would be given.

From the activity, you will be able to assess the relative parts of your personality as per the concept of Johari Window.

Characteristics of Three Ego States:

Activity X Time X Minutes.

Below is given an incomplete table showing one of the characteristics of the Parent Ego State, one kind of body posture used by a person in his Parent Ego State and a typical word used by a person when he is in his Parent Ego State. Now, try to fill up the table with characteristics, body language and the words used by the person when he is in different Ego States.

Ego State Characteristics Body Posture Words Used
Parent Superiority Complex
Pointed finger

Having filled the table, you can compare it with the given answer.  

Activity X. Time Y Minutes

Draw the transaction diagram in the following cases

  • (a) Son: Father, where are you going?

(b) Father: How are you bothered about that?

  • (a) John: Can you lend your bicycle for two days?

(b) Peter: I can’t see somebody riding on my bicycle. 

  • (a) Wife: Naresh takes his wife twice a week to cinema. You take me so infrequently.

(b) Husband: We are going out for entertainments like cinema, circus almost twice a month. I think this is sufficient. Anyway, if you feel for more movies, we can have a few more programmes for cinema.

You will be able to compare your diagram with the diagrams appropriate for each of these three transactions.


Reading Time Y Minutes.

A person keeps getting compliments and or reprimand; praise or criticism from the very the childhood. Both praise and criticism make a person feel his identity or his presence. Any action, gesture, or statement, which makes a person feel his identity, presence or worth is called a ‘Stroke’. Much of a human being’s personality, particularly Parent Ego State and Child Ego State is shaped by childhood stroking. However, we continue to get strokes and keep stroking other throughout the life. Strokes are of great benefit in our daily life. A manager who knows proper use of strokes can get the work done even from the most lazy person. Strokes are of many types:


Activity X. Time Y Minutes.

Prepare a checklist of the steps you will take to improve your interpersonal relations.


You will be able to compare your list with the given list.

Revisiting the Objectives:

Contemplation Time Y Minutes.

Go through the objectives of the chapter again and contemplate for fifteen minutes, how each of the objectives has been achieved after doing the chapter. If you are in doubt about the achievement of any objective, then go through the relevant section/part of the chapter again.

Above are given only a few sections of the module. Complete module will become accessible once you register yourself.



Wish you best in completing the modules.